Set up Facebook Login - EduAppGT PRO

  • Created : 27 September 16

To start using Facebook Login follow the instructions.

* Go to and Create an developer account.

* Click on the Add new App button

* Enter a name and contact email to the application

* Go to settings area and select Basic

* Enter the following information: In App domains, enter the URL where eduappgt pro is installed, in Privacy Policy and Terms of Service you can provide the same URL, select a category and upload the icon of your application....

*Click Add Platform and select Website.

* Provide URL where eduappgt pro is installed and save changes.

*Go to App review.

*Click on Make You App public? Button.

* Go to Products and Set up Facebook Login and select Web Icon

* Provide URL where eduappgt pro is installed

* Go to settings

* Go to eduappgt system on system settings and Copy Facebook Sync URL & Facebook Login URL and paste on Valid OAuth Redirect URIs and save changes

* Go to settings and basic & copy App ID and App Secret

* Now go to root folder face/config.php in root of eduappgt installation and replace app_id and app_secret

Congratulations! You have learned to set up Facebook Login.