Set up Google Login - EduAppGT PRO

  • Created : 27 September 16

To start using Google Login follow the instructions.

* Go to and Create an account.

* Click on Project and Create Project

* Set Project name and click on Create button

* Go to Credentials

* Click on Create Credentials and Select OAuth Client ID

* Now click on Configure consent screen button.

* Configure information and press Save button.

* Now click on Web Application.

* Now go to eduappgt system settings and copy Google Sync URL & Google Login URL and paste on Authorized redirect URIs and save changes

* Now go to eduappgt system settings and copy Google Sync URL & Google Login URL and paste on Authorized redirect URIs.

* Now copy Client ID and Client Secret and paste on EduAppGT PRO System Settings.

Congratulations! You have learned to set up Google Login.